15. Issues & Limitations

15.1. General

  • Changing the default block to a value less than the default results in playable plots not showing all the data blocks (102120).
  • Magnitude Envelope plot - block numbers must match other plots if plots are linked together. (101802).
  • Batch - Crash can occur when cancelling Batch during processing
  • Plotting - When Bode plot setup is loaded back in, the Y axis on the Magnitude plot resets to default values [0 - 100]

15.2. Operating system

  • DX 2019.43 and later may crash on exit with Windows 7 SP1. Work around is to run DX in compatibility mode as Windows 7.

15.3. Splitting

Splitting files using a design that contains more than one output (more than 1 viewer or export element) will double (for every output) the number of splits listed in the validation report. All data within the report, and all splits within the viewer are still correct.

15.4. Data Formats

For limitations in data formats see the Data Formats page in this documentation

15.5. Collections

  • Collections are limited to a maximum of 2,097,152 collected peaks.

15.6. Spike Filter

Under certain conditions, implementing the “spike” filter may cause a one block offset in the “Time” plot display for signal scopes connected to the spike filter processing path relative to the same signal not connected to the spike filer processing path. This is confirmed to be a display issue only and that the results (repair or identify as noise) of the spike filter are being applied to the correct block. This may be confirmed using a “time Campbell” plot or a History plot of the “Spikes” statistic.

15.6.1. Designer

  • Apex PKX files Cannot change any processing steps other than adding a Peak Filter. An FFT and Peaks element are still required to attach export peaks, peak filter, or export peaks elements. PKX files will not be affected by changes in these elements or by digital filters.
  • Arrow colors do not always function as expected.

15.6.2. Viewer

15.7. Campbell/Z-Mod plots

  • DX will only plot 2 Million peaks per channel per Campbell or Z-Mod plot. If there are more than this DX will pick the peaks with the highest magnitude greater than 0.001.
  • Mode ID as indicated on Campbell either by peak highlighting or labels may differ from the ModeID specified by run collections (ARD). This viewing capability is mainly meant for a general and visual basis based on the contents of the limits file. However, If precise mode ID is needed, please use collections (ARD) elements for identification.

15.8. Tracking plots

  • Phase may not be accurate when plotting a channel against a speed with a different number of blocks.