12. DX FAQ¶
See About
12.1. Keyboard Shortcuts¶
12.1.1. Designer¶
Action | Shortcut |
Move Mode | A |
Connect Mode | S |
Open Design | Ctrl + O |
Close Design | Ctrl + W |
Save Design | Ctrl + S |
Select All | Ctrl + A |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z (Linux) Ctrl + Y (Windows) |
Clear Design | Ctrl + Del |
Delete Selected | Del |
12.1.2. Viewer¶
Action | Shortcut |
Cursor Tool | C |
Zoom Tool | Z |
Pan Tool | X |
Save Plot Setup | Ctrl + S |
Load Plot Setup | Ctrl + L |
Print Page | Ctrl + P |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z (Linux) Ctrl + Y (Windows) |
Select All (Canvas) | Ctrl + A |
Delete Selected (Canvas) | Del |
12.2. FAQ¶
For all questions and comments that are not answered in help, please either email support@apexturbine.com or submit a ticket on https://apexturbine.com/users/helpdesk
12.2.1. How do I create a design?¶
Designs can be created by hand using the elements in the top left of the designer ribbon. Additionally, designs can be created from files by either dragging and dropping the file onto the designer cnavas, or by clicking the “Design from file” button and selecting the desired data file. Read about elements and the designer in detail here.
12.2.2. How do I assign limits to my design?¶
Limits can be added to any file using the “assign limits” button. If limits are assigned to a design, they will appear in the bottom left side of DX.
12.2.3. How do I process a file?¶
Once a design has been created, process a file by clicking the “Process” button in the deisnger ribbon. Select the data file desired and DX will begin processing.
12.2.4. How do I make plots?¶
Once a design has been processed, plots can be instantly created by dragging a signal or parameter from the left-side viewer tree onto a blank space on the grid to the right. Select a signal from the subsiquent list and a plot will be created. Read about plotting in detail here.
12.2.5. How do I make plots with signals versus parameters?¶
To view plots like Speed Campbells or Speed Waterfalls, ctrl+select a parameter and a signal and drag them both onto the canvas. To see a parameter trace overlaid on a signal, drag the parameter onto the plot after the plot has been created with a signal. Parameters can be traces on either the Y or Y2 axis on many plots.